It's not going to be easy at all, because you will have to answer Nickelodeon cupic quiz questions with Henry Danger, Game Shakers, Turtle Ninjas, iCarly and Thundermans, which means that you will have to be very careful and make sure that by the end of this game, you will have a great time helping this Nickelodeon characters have finish the cupid quiz. Today, you can see that we have prepared for you the first cupidon quiz game from our website, and you will hav to make sure that you can help all the characters from this game to gain a lot of points, and even find a cupid match for valentines day. Before you download this experience, please consider that this game. Point your Wii Remote where you want to shoot a snowball.It's easy to find fun games here on, because dear friends you can see that every day of the week new online Nickelodeon games are appearing here on our website that you dear friends will be able to play with all your friends. Challenge your friends & family to a thrilling Snowball Fight where you dodge and. Press A to throw a snowball, and lean on the Balance Board to move left, right, and in your protective barrier. Once you lose your 3rd heart, it's game over. You have 3 hearts that are taken away once you get hit by a snowball. Throw your snowballs to hit the Miis and snowmen. Getting a two-star rank or higher in this mode will grant you a snow jacket costume for your Mii. Created for Ludumdare 40, The more snowballs you have the worse. P2: J I L - Movement O - Grab Snowball U - Throw Snowball. Controls: P1: W A D - Movement E - Grab Snowball Q - Throw Snowball. The first player to get 5 kills wins Both players need to throw a snowball at start to play the game.