They apparently communicated through chattering. When pressed for more droids by the Confederacy, the Colicoids took their existing repair droids and modified them to be saboteurs. The Buzz Droid's design is based off the pisto, a pest that lived in tropical regions on the planet Colla IV. The outer shell is coated with a heat dissipating alloy that allowed it to penetrate enemy shields it's also constructed of shock-absorbing materials. Once they came into contact with an enemy starship, they use a magnetic pad to gain a foothold. The Buzz Droids also have simple maneuvering jets that helped them to move while still encased within their spheres. HMP Droid Gunships were also retrofitted with vulture droid missiles during 20 BBY. Since they were so effective when being deployed by Droid Tri-Fighters, the CIS retrofitted a number of Vulture Droids to carry them as well. They are usually carried inside vulture droid missiles launched from Vulture-class droid fighters and Droid Tri-Fighters.īuzz Droids are intended to disable instead of destroy their targets. It was released for a short time on in December 2008.

Included is a new and smaller Vulture Droid, Ahsokas Jedi Starfighter, with Ahsoka Tano, R7-A7, and two Buzz Droid minifigures. In some cases, Buzz Droids are deployed on humans which they can drill through the lifeforms and kill them. 7751 Ahsokas Starfighter and Vulture Droid was released in early 2009 as part of the second wave of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series. They can wreak havoc upon squadrons of starfighters that happened to fly through a formation of such deployed droids. The Pistoeka Sabotage Droid or commonly known as the Buzz Droid is a type of insect-like automatons that are deployed in swarms during battlefleet actions by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.